Wedding Videography

Rafter Cinematography
Storytellers at Heart
Rafter Cinematography has nothing but a desire to capture beautiful imagery. Video and photography are what we do and we strive to be perfect in that. We offer professional, easy and affordable packages that are tailored to fit your special day.
I invite you to look at my work and see why Rafter Cinematography is your best choice for capturing your special day.


Adam Caar
Sweet 16's, Mitzvahs, Events
We don't just shoot weddings. We provide videography and photography for many other things!
Use this space to introduce yourself and share your professional history.

Wedding Day Videos
We don't just shoot weddings. We provide videography and photography for many other things!
We offer highlight and full length edits for our videos. No edit? Just take the footage on a hard drive.

Live-Streaming & Video Editing
Have your wedding live-streamed on Facebook and Youtube! Your virtual guests will see what our cameras see and hear clean audio from our microphones. We also offer editing services for a wide range of events. Wedding videos, Engagements, Slideshows and more!


My New Channel
Carizma & Daniel Wedding Highlight
Alex & Nicoletta Wedding Highlight
Emily & Daniel Wedding Highlight
Cassaundra & Giovanni Wedding Highlight
Wedding Day Videos
Your wedding will be captured in stunning HD and crafted into a very special cinematic story that you will cherish. There's a package for everyone and it can all can be tailored to fit your exact needs.
Highlights and Full Length Edits
Catholic, Jewish, Indian Wedding Expertise
Professional Videographers
Cinematic and Documentary Styles
Multiple Videographers For Better Coverage
Use of Drones!

Live-Stream & Editing Services
A dedicated editor can create something out of your already shot footage. We can do slideshows, couple interviews, engagement shoots and edits and so much more! These can be shown at your wedding or just something to have for you to enjoy!
Have your wedding live streamed for family that cant make it! A custom event link can be sent out to family to join on the wedding day. They will see what our cameras see and hear perfect audio from our microphones. Can be for ceremony and reception!
Custom live stream link for both ceremony and reception
HD video and Audio
Family can comment and interact with broadcast!
Slideshows/engagement videos shown at reception to guests
Cinematic Experience For Your Guests
Professional and Fast Delivery